2024 |
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Wenhao Li, Zhiyuan Yu, Qijin She, Zhinan Yu, Yuqing Lan, Chenyang Zhu, Ruizhen Hu, Kai Xu*,
"LLM-enhanced Scene Graph Learning for Household Rearrangement",
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
[Paper | Project page]
The household rearrangement involves both common-sense knowledge on the objective side and human user preference on the subjective side. We propose to mine object functionality with user preference alignment directly from the scene itself through LLM-enhanced scene graph learning which transforms the input scene graph into an affordance-enhanced graph with information-enhanced nodes and newly discovered edges.
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Hang Zhao, Zherong Pan, Yang Yu, Kai Xu*,
"Learning Physically Realizable Skills for Online Packing of General 3D Shapes",
ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2024).
[Paper | Project page | Code & data]
We study the problem of learning online packing skills for irregular 3D shapes where we take physical realizability into account, involving physics dynamics and constraints of a placement. The complex irregular geometry and imperfect object placement together lead to huge solution space. Direct training in such space is prohibitive. We propose a theoretically-provable method for candidate action generation to reduce the action space of RL and the learning burden.
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Qijin She, Shishun Zhang, Yunfan Ye, Ruizhen Hu, Kai Xu*,
"Learning Cross-hand Policies for High-DOF Reaching and Grasping",
ECCV 2024.
[Paper | Project page | Code]
We propose a method that can learn a unified reaching-and-grasping policy that can be easily transferred to different dexterous grippers, based on the IBS representation of dynamic grasping. We adopt a decoupled learning scheme: 1) a gripper-agnostic policy model that predicts the displacements of pre-defined key points on the gripper, and 2) a gripper-specific adaptation model that translates these displacements into adjustments for controlling the grippers' joints.
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Sisi Dai, Wenhao Li, Haowen Sun, Haibin Huang, Chongyang Ma, Hui Huang, Kai Xu*, Ruizhen Hu,
"InterFusion: Text-Driven Generation of 3D Human-Object Interaction",
ECCV 2024.
[Paper | Project page | Code]
We tackle the generating 3D human-object interactions from textual descriptions in a zero-shot text-to-3D manner. We address two key challenges: the unsatisfactory outcomes of direct text-to-3D methods in HOI, largely due to the lack of paired text-interaction data, and the inherent difficulties in simultaneously generating multiple concepts with complex spatial relationships.
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Zhiyuan Yu, Zheng Qin, Lintao Zheng, Kai Xu*,
"Learning Instance-Aware Correspondences for Robust Multi-Instance Point Cloud Registration in Cluttered Scenes",
CVPR 2024.
[Paper | Code]
Multi-instance point cloud registration estimates the poses of multiple instances of a model point cloud in a scene point cloud. We propose MIRETR, Multi-Instance REgistration TRansformer, a coarse-to-fine approach to the extraction of instance-aware correspondences. At the coarse level, it jointly learns instance-aware superpoint features and predicts per-instance masks. With instance masks, the influence from outside of the instance being concerned is minimized, such that highly reliable superpoint correspondences can be extracted. |
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Junwen Huang, Alexey Artemov, Yujin Chen, Shuaifeng Zhi, Kai Xu, Matthias Nießner,
"SSR-2D: Semantic 3D Scene Reconstruction from 2D Images",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2024.
[Paper | Code]
We explore a central 3D scene modeling task, namely, semantic scene reconstruction without using any 3D annotations. The key idea of our approach is to design a trainable model that employs both incomplete 3D reconstructions and their corresponding source RGB-D images, fusing cross-domain features into volumetric embeddings to predict complete 3D geometry, color, and semantics with only 2D labeling which can be either manual or machine-generated.
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Wenhao Li, Shishun Zhang, Sisi Dai, Hui Huang, Ruizhen Hu, Xiaohong Chen, Kai Xu*, "Synchronized Dual-arm Rearrangement via Cooperative mTSP",
ICRA 2024.
[Paper | Code]
We formulated the problem of synchronized dual-arm rearrangement as cooperative mTSP, a variant of mTSP where agents share cooperative costs, and utilized reinforcement learning for its solution. We devise an attention-based network working on task state graph for task scheduling.
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Shishun Zhang, Qijin She, Wenhao Li, Chenyang Zhu, Yongjun Wang, Ruizhen Hu, Kai Xu*, "Learning Dual-arm Object Rearrangement for Cartesian Robots",
ICRA 2024.
[Paper | Code]
This work focuses on the dual-arm object rearrangement problem abstracted from a realistic industrial scenario of Cartesian robots. The goal of this problem is to transfer all the objects from sources to targets with the minimum total completion time.
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Yihan Cao, Jiazhao Zhang, Zhinan Yu, Kai Xu*, "Neural Observation Field Guided Hybrid Optimization
of Camera Placement",
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024.
[Paper | Code]
Camera placement is crutial in multi-camera systems. Its challenge lies
in the nonlinear nature of high-dim parameters and
the unavailability of gradients for target functions like coverage
and visibility. We present a hybrid method incorporating both gradient-based
and non-gradient-based optimizations, enjoying the advantages of both smooth
convergence and robustness.
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Yunfan Ye, Kai Xu*, Yuhang Huang, Renjiao Yi, Zhiping Cai, "DiffusionEdge: Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Crisp Edge Detection",
AAAI 2024.
[Paper | Code]
We propose the first diffusion model for the task of general edge detection, which we call DiffusionEdge. To avoid expensive computational resources while retaining the generation performance, we apply our recently proposed diffusion model ADM in the latent space and enable the classic cross-entropy loss which is uncertainty-aware in pixel level to directly optimize the parameters in latent space in a distillation manner. We also adopt a decoupled architecture to speed up the denoising process and propose a corresponding adaptive Fourier filter to adjust the latent features of specific frequencies.
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Yuhang Huang, Zheng Qin, Xinwang Liu, Kai Xu*, "Simultaneous Image-to-Zero and Zero-to-Noise: Diffusion Models with Analytical Image
[Paper | Code]
We propose an extrememly powerful diffusion model ADM. ADM turns the forward image-to-noise mapping into image-to-zero mapping and zero-to-noise mapping. It achieves high-quality results in several generative tasks with much less diffusion steps, thus greatly improving the generation speed. PLEASE TRY IT!
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Hui Tian, Chenyang Zhu, Yifei Shi, Kai Xu*, "SuperUDF: Self-supervised UDF Estimation for Surface Reconstruction",
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2024.
[Paper | Code]
SuperUDF is a self-supervised
UDF learning which exploits a learned geometry prior for
efficient training and a novel regularization for robustness to
sparse sampling. The core idea draws inspiration
from the classical surface approximation operator of locally optimal projection (LOP).
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Xiong-Hui Chen, Junyin Ye, Hang Zhao, Yi-Chen Li, Xu-Hui Liu, Haoran Shi, Yu-Yan Xu, Zhihao Ye, Si-Hang Yang, Yang Yu, Anqi Huang, Kai Xu, Zongzhang Zhang, "Deep Demonstration Tracing: Learning Generalizable Imitator Policy for Runtime Imitation from a Single Demonstration",
ICML 2024.
[Paper | Code]
One-shot imitation learning (OSIL) is to learn an imitator agent that can execute multiple tasks with only a single demonstration. In real-world scenario, the environment is dynamic, e.g., unexpected changes can occur after demonstration. Thus, achieving generalization of the imitator agent is crucial as agents would inevitably face situations unseen in the provided demonstrations. We present Deep Demonstration Tracing (DDT), a demonstration transformer architecture to encourage agents to adaptively trace suitable states in demonstrations.
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Xiaogang Wang, Yuhang Cheng, Ziyang Fan, Kai Xu, "Learning to Transfer Heterogeneous Translucent Materials from a 2D Image to 3D Models",
ACM Multimedia 2024.
Great progress has been made in rendering translucent materials in recent years, but automatically estimating parameters for heterogeneous materials such as jade and human skin remains a challenging task, often requiring specialized and expensive physical measurement devices. In this paper, we present a novel approach for estimating and transferring the parameters of heterogeneous translucent materials from a single 2D image to 3D models.
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Xuefeng Yin, Chenyang Zhu, Shanglai Qu, Yuqi Li, Kai Xu, Baocai Yin, Xin Yang, "CSO: Constraint-guided Space Optimization for Active Scene Mapping",
ACM Multimedia 2024.
Simultaneously mapping and exploring a complex unknown scene is an NP-hard problem. We present CSO, a deep reinforcement learning-based framework for efficient active scene mapping.
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Xiaogang Wang, Liang Wang, Hongyu Wu, Guoqiang Xiao, Kai Xu*, "Parametric Primitive Analysis of CAD Sketches With Vision Transformer",
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024.
The interpretation of CAD sketches plays a crucial role in industrial product design. To address the error accumulation in autoregressive models and the complexities associated with self-supervised model design, we propose a two-stage network framework. It consists of a primitive network and a constraint network, transforming the sketch analysis task into a set prediction problem to enhance the effective handling of primitives and constraints. By decoupling target types from parameters, it gains increased flexibility and optimality while reducing complexity.
2023 |
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Yijie Tang, Jiazhao Zhang, Zhinan Yu, He Wang, Kai Xu*,
"MIPS-Fusion: Multi-Implicit-Submaps for Scalable and Robust Online Neural RGB-D Reconstruction",
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2023), 42(6).
[Paper | Project page | Code & data]
We introduce MIPS-Fusion, a robust and scalable online RGB-D reconstruction
method based on a novel neural implicit representation – multi-implicit-submap. Neural submaps are allocated incrementally alongside the scanning trajectory,
learned efficiently with local bundle adjustments, refined distributively
in a back-end optimization, and optimized globally in realizing submap-level loop closure. We also propose a hybrid tracking approach combining randomized and gradient-based pose optimizations. For the first time, randomized optimization is made possible in neural tracking with several key designs to the learning process, enabling efficient and robust
tracking even under fast camera motions.
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Boyan Wan, Yifei Shi, Kai Xu*,
"SOCS: Semantically-aware Object Coordinate Space for Category-Level
6D Object Pose Estimation under Large Shape Variations",
ICCV 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We propose SOCS for category-level 6D
pose estimation. SOCS is semantically coherent: Any point on the surface of a object can
be mapped to a semantically meaningful location in SOCS,
allowing for accurate pose and size estimation under large
shape variations. Our method
is well-generalizing for large intra-category
shape variations and robust to inter-object occlusions
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Jingjia Shi, Shuaifeng Zhi, Kai Xu*,
"PlaneRecTR: Unified Query learning for 3D Plane Recovery from a Single View",
ICCV 2023.
[Paper | Project page | Youtube / Bilibli | Code]
PlaneRecTR is a vision transformer architecture with query-based learning, and for the first time unifies all subtasks of single-view plane recovery with a single compact model. Mutual benefits between planar geometry and segmentation lead to SOTA performance.
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Minhao Li, Zheng Qin, Zhirui Gao, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Yulan Guo, Kai Xu*,
"2D3D-MATR: 2D-3D Matching Transformer for Detection-free Registration between Images and Point Clouds",
ICCV 2023.
[Paper | Code]
The commonly adopted detect-then-match approach to registration finds difficulties in the cross-modality cases due to the incompatible keypoint detection and inconsistent feature description. We propose, 2D3D-MATR, a detection-free method for accurate and robust registration between images and point clouds.
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Yifei Shi, Junhua Xi, Dewen Hu, Zhiping Cai, Kai Xu*,
"RayMVSNet++: Learning Ray-based 1D Implicit Fields for Accurate Multi-View Stereo",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2023.
[Paper | Code]
This is an enhancement of our RayMVSNet paper with contextual feature aggregation for each ray. We leverage an attentional gating unit for selecting semantically relevant neighboring rays within the local frustum around a ray. It improves the performance on more challenging datasets (e.g. low-quality images caused by poor lighting conditions or motion blur).
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Zheng Qin, Hao Yu, Changjian Wang, Yulan Guo, Yuxing Peng, Slobodan Ilic, Dewen Hu*, Kai Xu*,
"GeoTransformer: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration with Geometric Transformer",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2023.
[Paper | Code]
This is the journal extension of our CVPR 2022 paper with 1) significantly reduced (17%) memory footprint and computational cost, 2) handling of non-rigid registration, and 3) more thorough evaluations and in-depth analysis.
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Yunfan Ye, Renjiao Yi, Zhirui Gao, Zhiping Cai*, Kai Xu*,
"Delving into Crispness: Guided Label Refinement for Crisp Edge Detection",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We find that label quality is more important than model design to achieving crisp edge detection. We propose an iterative Canny-guided refinement of human-labeled edges whose result can be used to train crisp edge detectors.
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Yunfan Ye, Renjiao Yi, Zhiping Cai*, Kai Xu*,
"STEdge: Self-training Edge Detection with Multi-layer Teaching and Regularization",
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We propose self-training edge detection, leveraging the untapped wealth of large-scale unlabeled image datasets. We design a self-supervised framework which achieves significant performance boost over supervised methods with lightweight finetuning on the target dataset.
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Hui Tian, Zheng Qin, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Kai Xu*,
"Tensorformer: Normalized Matrix Attention
Transformer for High-quality Point Cloud
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023.
[Paper | Code]
Transformer-based methods to point cloud reconstruction can work without normals but without rich local details. We introduce a novel normalized matrix attention
transformer, Tensorformer. It allows for simultaneous
point-wise and channel-wise message passing. It brings more degrees of freedom in feature learning and thus facilitates better modeling of local geometric details.
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Zheng Qin, Changjian Wang, Yuxing Peng, Kai Xu*,
"CasViGE: Learning robust point cloud registration with cascaded visual-geometric encoding",
Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), Volume 104, 2023.
[Paper | Code]
Recent methods to point cloud registration attempt to inject the visual information from RGB images to obtain more accurate correspondences. However, as 2D and 3D convolutions have different inductive biases, this simplistic method ignores the intrinsic correlation between the two modalities, which harms the distinctiveness of the point descriptors. CasViGE iteratively fuses the inter-modality features by leveraging the inductive biases of both 2D and 3D convolutions, which better considers the correlation between the two modalities. As a plug-and-play module, it attains significant improvements on various registration methods.
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Yunfan Ye, Renjiao Yi, Zhirui Gao, Chenyang Zhu, Zhiping Cai, Kai Xu*,
"NEF: Neural Edge Fields for 3D Parametric Curve Reconstruction from Multi-view Images",
CVPR 2023.
[Paper | Project page | Code]
We study the problem of reconstructing 3D feature curves of an object from a set of calibrated multi-view images. To do so, we learn a neural implicit field representing the density distribution of 3D edges which we refer to as Neural Edge Field (NEF). Inspired by NeRF, NEF is optimized with a view-based rendering loss where a 2D edge map is rendered at a given view and is compared to the ground-truth edge map extracted from the image of that view.
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Zheng Qin, Hao Yu, Changjian Wang, Yuxing Peng, Kai Xu*,
"Deep Graph-based Spatial Consistency for Robust Non-rigid Point Cloud Registration",
CVPR 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We study the problem of outlier correspondence pruning for non-rigid point cloud registration. We propose Graph-based Spatial Consistency Network (GraphSCNet) to filter outliers for non-rigid registration. Our method is based on the fact that non-rigid deformations are usually locally rigid, or local shape preserving.
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Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Kai Xu*,
"Self-supervised Non-Lambertian Single-view Image Relighting",
CVPR 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We present a learning-based approach to relighting a single image of non-Lambertian objects involving both inverse rendering and re-rendering. We propose a self-supervised method for inverse rendering with a low-rank constraint. To facilitate the learning, we contribute Relit, a large-scale dataset of videos with aligned objects under changing illuminations.
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Jiazhao Zhang, Liu Dai, Fanpeng Meng, Qingnan Fan, Xuelin Chen, Kai Xu, He Wang,
"3D-Aware Object Goal Navigation via Simultaneous Exploration and Identification",
CVPR 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We propose a framework for the challenging 3D-aware ObjectNav based on two straightforward sub-policies. The two sub-polices, namely corner-guided exploration policy and category-aware identification policy, simultaneously perform by utilizing online fused 3D points as observation.
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Sheng Ao, Qingyong Hu, Hanyun Wang, Kai Xu, Yulan Guo,
"BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration",
CVPR 2023.
[Paper | Code]
An ideal point cloud registration framework should have superior accuracy, acceptable efficiency, and strong generalizability. We propose BUFFER, a point cloud registration method for balancing accuracy, efficiency, and generalizability. The key is to take advantage of both point-wise and patch-wise techniques, while overcoming the inherent drawbacks simultaneously.
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Yaqiao Dai, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Hongjun He, Kai Xu*
"Multi-resolution Monocular Depth Map Fusion by Self-supervised Gradient-based Composition",
AAAI 2023, Oral presentation.
[Paper | Code]
We propose a novel depth map fusion module to combine the advantages of estimations with multi-resolution inputs. Instead of merging the low- and high-resolution estimations equally, we adopt the core idea of Poisson fusion, trying to implant the gradient domain of high-resolution depth into the low-resolution depth.
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Zeyu Huang, Juzhan Xu, Sisi Dai, Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang, Ruizhen Hu,
"NIFT: Neural Interaction Field and Template for Object Manipulation",
ICRA 2023.
[Paper | Code]
We introduce NIFT, Neural Interaction Field and
Template, a descriptive and robust interaction representation of
object manipulations to facilitate imitation learning. Given a
few object manipulation demos, NIFT guides the generation of
the interaction imitation for a new object instance by matching
the Neural Interaction Template (NIT) extracted from the demos
in the target Neural Interaction Field (NIF) defined for the
new object. Specifically, NIF is a neural field that encodes
the relationship between each spatial point and a given object.
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Jiazhao Zhang, Yijie Tang, He Wang, Kai Xu*,
"ASRO-DIO: Active Subspace Random Optimization based Depth Inertial Odometry",
ICRA 2023 (IEEE T-RO paper track).
[Paper | Code]
ASRO-DIO enables real-time RGB-D reconstruction under extremely fast camera motions. To the center of ASRO-DIO is the fast and robust Depth-IMU odometry with efficient active subspace randomized optimization in the 18D state space of IMU tracking.
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Liqiang Lin, Pengdi Huang, Chi-Wing Fu, Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang,
"On Learning the Right Attention Point for Feature Enhancement",
Science China (Information Sciences), 2023, 66: 112107.
An attention-based mechanism to learn enhanced point features for point cloud
processing tasks. Unlike prior studies, which were trained to optimize
the weights of a pre-selected set of attention points, our approach learns to locate the best attention points
to maximize the performance of a specific task, e.g., point cloud classification. Importantly, we advocate
the use of single attention point to facilitate semantic understanding in point feature learning.
2022 |
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Qijin She, Ruizhen Hu, Junzhan Xu, Min Liu, Kai Xu*, Hui Huang*,
"Learning High-DOF Reaching-and-Grasping via Dynamic Representation of Gripper-Object Interaction",
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022).
[Paper | Project page | Code]
We represent a grasp with Interaction Bisector Surface and find that it is surprisingly effective as a state representation since it well informs the fine-grained
control of each finger with spatial relation against the target object. It facilitates learning a strong control model of high-DOF grasping with good sample efficiency, dynamic adaptability, and cross-category generality.
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Jiazhao Zhang, Yijie Tang, He Wang, Kai Xu*,
"ASRO-DIO: Active Subspace Random Optimization based Depth Inertial Odometry",
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO).
[Paper | Code]
This is an extension of ROSEFusion which enables realtime RGB-D reconstruction under fast camera motion via random optimization. ASRO-DIO achieves robust Depth-IMU odometry and supports even faster camera motion! To realize efficient random optimization in the 18D state space of IMU tracking, we propose to identify and sample particles from active subspace. |
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Yifei Shi, Xin Xu, Junhua Xi, Xiaochang Hu, Dewen Hu, Kai Xu*, "Learning to Detect 3D Symmetry from Single-view RGB-D Images with Weak Supervision". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
[Paper | Code]
This is an extension SymmetryNet which detects object-level symmeries from a single-view RGB-D image with strong supervision. In this work, we present a 3D symmetry detection approach to detect symmetry from single-view RGB-D images without using symmetry supervision. The key idea is to train the network in a weakly-supervised learning manner to complete the shape based on the predicted symmetry such that the completed shape be similar to existing plausible shapes. |
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Hang Zhao, Yang Yu, Kai Xu*, "Learning Efficient Online 3D Bin Packing on Packing Configuration Trees". ICLR 2022.
[Paper | Code]
We propose to enhance the practical applicability of online 3D-BPP via learning on a novel hierarchical representation - packing configuration tree (PCT). PCT is a full-fledged description of the state and action space of bin packing which can support packing policy learning based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). In training, PCT expands based on heuristic rules. However, the DRL model learns a much more effective and robust packing policy than heuristics. |
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Zheng Qin, Hao Yu, Changjian Wang, Yulan Guo, Yuxing Peng,
Xu*, "Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration",
CVPR 2022,
Oral presentation.
[Paper | Code]
GeoTransformer encodes distance and angular information of superpoints sampled from point clouds, thus enabling the learning of rotation-invariant representation of global structures. The resultant features leads to high-quality point correspondences. This makes it possible that fast and accurate point cloud registration is achieved in a RANSAC-free manner. Our method attains 17%~31% performance boost on the challenging dataset of 3DLoMatch, with a 100x faster speed. |
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Chengjie Niu, Manyi Li,
Xu*, Hao Zhang, "RIM-Net: Recursive Implicit Fields for
Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Shape Structures",
CVPR 2022.
[Paper | Code]
We introduce RIM-Net, a neural network which learns
recursive implicit fields for unsupervised inference of hierarchical
shape structures. Our network recursively decomposes
an input 3D shape into two parts, resulting in a binary
tree hierarchy. Each level of the tree corresponds to an assembly
of shape parts, represented as implicit functions, to
reconstruct the input shape. |
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Junhua Xi, Yifei Shi, Yijie Wang, Yulan Guo,
Xu*, "RayMVSNet: Learning Ray-based 1D Implicit Fields for Accurate Multi-View Stereo",
CVPR 2022.
[Paper | Code]
Different from existing works on deep MVS dedicated to adaptive refinement
of cost volumes, we opt to directly optimize the
depth value along each camera ray, mimicking the range
(depth) finding of a laser scanner. This reduces the MVS
problem to ray-based depth optimization which is much
more light-weight than full cost volume optimization. |
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Yao Duan, Chenyang Zhu, Yuqing Lan, Renjiao Yi, Xinwang Liu,
Xu*, "DisARM: Displacement Aware Relation Module for 3D Detection",
CVPR 2022.
[Paper | Code]
The core idea of DisARM is that contextual information is critical to tell the difference between different objects when the instance geometry is incomplete or featureless. We find that relations between proposals provide a good representation to describe the context. Rather
than working with all relations, we find that training with
relations only between the most representative ones, or anchors,
can significantly boost the detection performance. |
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Kunhong Li, Longguang Wang, Li Liu, Qing Ran, Kai
Xu, Yulan Guo,
"Decoupling Makes Weakly Supervised Local Feature Better",
CVPR 2022.
[Paper | Code]
Weakly supervised learning can help local feature methods to overcome the obstacle of acquiring a large-scale
dataset with densely labeled correspondences. However,
since weak supervision cannot distinguish the losses caused
by the detection and description steps, directly conducting
weakly supervised learning within a joint training describethen-
detect pipeline suffers limited performance. We propose a decoupled training describe-then-detect
pipeline tailored for weakly supervised local feature learning, where the detection step is decoupled from the description step and postponed until discriminative
and robust descriptors are learned. |
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Suyuan Liu, Siwei Wang, Pei Zhang, Xinwang Liu, Kai Xu, Changwang Zhang, Feng Gao,
"Efficient One-pass Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Consensus Anchors",
AAAI 2022.
We propose a scalable and parameter-free multi-view
subspace clustering method to directly output the clustering
labels with optimal anchor graph. |
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Yi Zhang, Xinwang Liu, Jiyuan Liu, Sisi Dai, Changwang Zhang, Kai
Xu, En Zhu,
"Fusion Multiple Kernel K-means",
AAAI 2022.
It unifies base partition learning and late fusion clustering into
one single objective function, and adopts early fusion technique to capture more sufficient information in kernel matrices. |
2021 |
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Jiazhao Zhang, Chenyang Zhu, Lintao Zheng,
Xu*, "ROSEFusion: Random Optimization for Online
Dense Reconstruction
under Fast Camera Motion",
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2021).
[Paper | Project page | Code & data]
Online reconstruction based on RGB-D sequences
has thus far been restrained to relatively slow camera motions (<1m /s). Under very fast
camera motion (e.g., 3m/s), the reconstruction can easily crumble even for the
state-of-the-art methods. Fast motion brings two challenges to depth fusion: 1) the high
nonlinearity of camera pose optimization due to large inter-frame rotations and 2) the lack
of reliably trackable features due to motion blur. We propose to tackle the difficulties of
fast-motion camera tracking in the absence of inertial measurements using random
optimization. Our method attains good quality pose tracking under fast camera motion (up to
4m/s) in a realtime framerate without including loop closure or global pose
optimization. |
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Hang Zhao, Chenyang Zhu, Xin Xu, Hui Huang,
Xu*, "Learning Practically Feasible Policies for
Online 3D Bin Packing",
Science China
(Information Sciences). [Paper]
(NOTE: This
method is patent protected. Contact me
for commercial use.)
This is a follow-up of our AAAI 2021 work on
online 3D BPP. In this work, we aim to learn more PRACTICALLY FEASIBLE policies with REAL
ROBOT TESTING! To that end, we propose three critical designs: (1) an online analysis of
packing stability based on a novel stacking tree which is highly accurate and computationally
efficient and hence especially suited for RL training, (2) a decoupled packing policy learning
for different dimensions of placement for high-res spatial discretization and hence high
packing precision, and (3) a reward function dictating the robot to place items in a
far-to-near order and therefore simplifying motion planning of the robotic
arm. |
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Jian Liu, Shiqing Xin, Xifeng Gao, Kaihang Gao,
Xu, Baoquan Chen, Changhe Tu, "Computational
Object-Wrapping Rope Nets",
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (TOG).
41(1). [Paper]
We propose to compute a rope net that can
tightly wrap around various 3D shapes. Based on the key observation that if every knot of the
net has four adjacent curve edges, then only a single rope is needed to construct the entire
net. We reformulate the rope net computation problem into a constrained curve network
optimization and propose a discrete-continuous optimization. |
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Pengdi Huang, Liqiang Lin, Fuyou Xue,
Danny Cohen-Or, Hui Huang,
"Hausdorff Point Convolution with Geometric
Science China
(Information Sciences).
[Paper |
Project page]
We advocate the use of Hausdorff distance as a
shape-aware distance measure for calculating point convolutional responses. We present
Hausdorff Point Convolution which constitutes a powerful point feature learning with a rather
compact set of only four types of geometric priors as kernels and outperforms strong point
convolution baselines (e.g., KPConv). |
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Yifei Shi, Junwen Huang, Xin Xu, Yifan Zhang,
Xu*, "StablePose: Learning 6D Object Poses from Geometrically
Stable Patches",
CVPR 2021.
| Code]
We introduce the concept of geometric stability
to the problem of 6D object pose estimation and propose to learn pose inference based on
geometrically stable patches extracted from observed 3D point clouds. According to the theory
of geometric stability analysis, a minimal set of three planar/cylindrical patches are
geometrically stable and determine the full 6DoFs of the object pose. We train a deep neural
network to regress 6D object pose based on geometrically stable patch groups via learning both
intra-patch geometric features and inter-patch contextual features. Working with patch groups
makes our method generalize well for random occlusion and unseen
instances. |
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Xiaogang Wang, Xun Sun, Xinyu Cao,
Xu*, Bin Zhou*, "Learning Fine-Grained Segmentation of 3D Shapes without
Part Labels",
CVPR 2021.
| Code
Learning-based 3D shape segmentation is usually
formulated as a semantic labeling problem, assuming that all parts of training shapes are
annotated with a given set of labels. This assumption, however, is unrealistic for training
fine-grained segmentation on large datasets since the annotation of fine-grained parts is
extremely tedious. In this paper, we approach the problem with deep clustering, where the key
idea is to learn part priors from a dataset with fine-grained segmentation but no part
annotations. We model the clustering priors of points with a similarity matrix and achieve
part-based segmentation through minimizing a novel low rank loss. |
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Qian Xie, Yu-Kun Lai, Jing Wu, Zhoutao Wang, Yiming
Xu, Jun Wang, "Vote-Based 3D Object Detection with Context Modeling and
Journal of Computer Vision
(IJCV), 129(6):1857-1874.
[Paper |
We propose a novel 3D object detection network,
which is built on the VoteNet but takes into consideration of the contextual information at
multiple levels for detection and recognition of 3D objects. To encode relationships between
elements at different levels, we introduce three contextual sub-modules, capturing contextual
information at patch, object, and scene levels respectively, and build them into the voting
and classification stages of VoteNet. |
![]() |
Pengdi Huang, Liqiang Lin,
Xu, Hui Huang, "Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and
Geometric Path Optimization",
IEEE Transactions
on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS).
[Paper | Code]
Unlike for indoor scenes where the scanning
effort is mainly devoted to the discovery of boundary surfaces, scanning an open and unbounded
area requires actively delimiting the extent of scanning region and dynamically planning a
traverse path within that region. We formulate the planning of outdoor scanning through a
discrete-continuous optimization of scanning paths. |
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Qiaoyun Wu,
Xu, Jun Wang, Mingliang Xu,
Xiaoxi Gong,
Dinesh Manocha, "Reinforcement Learning-based Visual Navigation with
Information-Theoretic Regularization",
ICRA 2021 (The IEEE
Robotics and Automation Letters).
[Paper | Code]
To enhance the cross-target and cross-scene
generalization of target-driven visual navigation based on deep reinforcement learning (RL),
we introduce an information-theoretic regularization term into the RL objective. The
regularization maximizes the mutual information between navigation actions and visual
observation transforms of an agent. |
![]() |
Qiaoyun Wu, Xiaoxi Gong,
Xu, Dinesh Manocha, Jingxuan Dong, Jun
Wang, "Towards Target-driven Visual Navigation in
Indoor Scenes via Generative Imitation Learning",
The IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters (RAL).
[Paper| Code]
A target-driven, mapless visual navigation
method. The agent conceives the next observation before making an action decision, achieved by
learning a variational generative module from expert demonstrations. It also predicts static
collision in advance, as an auxiliary task to improve safety during
navigation. |
![]() |
Hang Zhao, Qijin She, Chenyang Zhu, Yin Yang,
Xu*, "Online 3D Bin Packing with Constrained
Deep Reinforcement Learning",
AAAI 2021.
[Paper | Code]
(Hang and Qijin are co-first authors) (NOTE: This method is patent
protected. Contact me for commercial
We solve the Online 3D Bin Packing problem, a
challenging yet practically useful variant of 3D Bin Packing Problem (3D-BPP). In Online
3D-BPP, the agent has limited information about the items to be packed into the bin, and an
item must be packed immediately after its arrival without buffering or readjusting. The item's
placement also subjects to the constraints of collision avoidance and physical stability. We
formulate this online 3D-BPP as a constrained Markov decision process and solve it with
Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning. Our method handles well lookahead items and varying
item orientations. A user study suggests that our method attains a HUMAN-LEVEL
performance. |
2020 |
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Yifei Shi, Junwen Huang, Hongjia Zhang, Xin Xu,
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,
Xu*, "SymmetryNet: Learning to Predict
Reflectional and Rotational Symmetries of 3D Shapes from Single-View RGB-D
ACM Transactions
on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH Asia 2020).
| Project page | Code & data]
SymmeryNet is an end-to-end trainable deep
neural network able to predict both reflectional and rotational symmetries of 3D objects
present in an input RGB-D image. The key to the success of SymmeryNet is the multi-task
learning for the prediction of not only symmetry parameters but also symmetry correspondences.
This greatly alleviates overfitting. |
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Xiaogang Wang, Yuelang Xu,
Xu, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Bin Zhou, Ali Mahdavi-Amiri, and Hao Zhang, "PIE-NET: Parametric Inference of Point Cloud
NeurIPS 2020.
| Code]
The first deep model to extract parametric curves from point clouds, trained on the ABC dataset. Abstract: We introduce an end-to-end learnable technique to robustly identify feature edges in 3D point cloud data. We represent these edges as a collection of parametric curves (i.e.,lines, circles, and B-splines). Accordingly, our deep neural network, coined PIE-NET, is trained for parametric inference of edges. The network relies on a "region proposal" architecture, where a first module proposes an over-complete collection of edge and corner points, and a second module ranks each proposal ... |
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Min Liu, Zherong Pan,
Xu*, Kanishka Ganguly, Dinesh Manocha, "Deep Differentiable Grasp Planner for
High-DOF Grippers",
Robotics: Science and Systems
(RSS 2020).
[Paper | Code]
A differentiable and generalized grasp quality metric for learning-based high-quality grasp planning. Abstract: We present an end-to-end
algorithm for training deep neural networks to grasp novel objects. Our algorithm builds all the
essential components of a grasping system using a forward-backward automatic differentiation
approach, including the forward kinematics of the gripper, the collision between the gripper and
the target object, and the metric of grasp poses. In particular, we show that a generalized Q1
grasp metric is defined and differentiable for inexact grasps generated by a neural network
... |
![]() |
Jiazhao Zhang, Chenyang Zhu, Lintao Zheng,
Xu*,Fusion-Aware Point Convolution for Online
Semantic 3D Scene Segmentation",
CVPR 2020.
| Code]
(Jiazhao and Chenyang are co-first authors)
Online semantic scene segmentation with high
speed (12 FPS) and SOTA accuracy (avg. IoU=0.72 measured w.r.t. per-frame ground-truth image
labels). We have also submitted our results to the ScanNet
benchmark, demonstrating an avg. IoU of 0.63 on the leaderboard. Note, however, the
number was obtained by spatially transferring the point-wise labels of our online recontructed
point clouds to the pre-reconstructed point clouds of the benchmark scenes. Such spatial
transfer loses accuracy. Therefore, this is not a perfect way of evaluating online
segmentation methods. Nevertheless, ours is still the most accurate among all the online
methods on the list.
![]() |
Dengsheng Chen, Jun Li, Zheng Wang,
Xu*, "Learning Canonical Shape Space for Category-Level
6D Object
Pose and Size Estimation",
CVPR 2020.
| Code]
(Dengsheng and Jun
are co-first authors)
Estimating category-level 6D pose and size via learning a canonical shape embedding space with deep generative model. Abstract: We present a novel approach to
category-level 6D object
pose and size estimation. To tackle intra-class shape variation,
we learn canonical shape space (CASS), a unified representation
for a large variety of instances of a certain object
category. In particular, CASS is modeled as the latent
space of a deep generative model of canonical 3D shapes
with normalized pose and size. We train a VAE ... |
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Chenyang Zhu,
Xu*, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Li Yi, Leonidas J. Guibas, Hao Zhang, "AdaCoSeg: Adaptive Shape Co-Segmentation with Group
Consistency Loss",
CVPR 2020,
Oral presentation.
| Code]
We achieve set-adaptive co-segmentation with weakly supervised online learning. Abstract: We introduce AdaSeg, a deep
neural network architecture for adaptive co-segmentation of a set of 3D shapes represented as
point clouds. Differently from the familiar single-instance segmentation problem, co-segmentation
is intrinsically contextual: how a shape is segmented can vary depending on the set it is in. Our
network features an adaptive learning module to produce a consistent ... |
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Rundi Wu, Yixin Zhuang,
Xu, Hao Zhang, Baoquan Chen, "PQ-NET: A Generative Part Seq2Seq Network for 3D
CVPR 2020.
| Code]
A part-aware shape generation model based on sequence-to-sequence autoencoder. Abstract: We introduce PQ-NET, a deep
neural network which represents and generates 3D shapes via sequential part assembly. The input to
our network is a 3D shape segmented into parts, where each part is first encoded into a feature
representation using a part autoencoder. The core component of PQ-NET is a sequence-to-sequence or
Seq2Seq autoencoder which encodes a sequence of part features into a latent vector of fixed size,
and the decoder reconstructs the 3D shape, one part at a time, resulting in a sequential assembly.
The latent space formed by the Seq2Seq encoder encodes both part structure and fine part geometry.
The decoder can be adapted to perform several generative tasks ... |
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Qian Xie, Yu-Kun Lai, Jing Wu, Zhoutao Wang,
Yiming Zhang,
Xu, Jun Wang, "MLCVNet: Multi-Level Context VoteNet for 3D Object
CVPR 2020.
| Code
Boosting object detection accuracy of VoteNet by encoding multi-level contextual inforamtion. Abstract: ... We propose Multi-Level
Context VoteNet (MLCVNet) to recognize 3D objects correlatively, building on the state-of-the-art
VoteNet. We introduce three context modules into the voting and classifying stages of VoteNet to
encode contextual information at different levels. Specifically, a Patch-to-Patch Context (PPC) module is employed to capture contextual
information between the point patches. patches, before voting
for their corresponding object centroid points ... |
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Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daniel Ritchie, Jiajun Wu,
Xu*, Hao Zhang, "Learning Generative
Models of 3D Structures",
Computer Graphics Forum, Eurographics
2020 State-of-The-Art Report (EG STAR).
Historical work and recent progress on learning structure-aware generative models of 3D shapes and scenes. Abstract: ... To allow users to edit and manipulate the synthesized 3D
content to achieve their goals, the generative model should also be structure-aware: it should
express 3D shapes and scenes using abstractions that allow manipulation of their high-level
structure ... |
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Chengjie Niu,
Yang Yu, Zhenwei Bian, Jun Li,
Xu*, "Weakly Supervised Part‐wise 3D Shape Reconstruction from
Single‐View RGB Images",
Computer Graphics Forum, (PG 2020).
Self-taught learning of a deep neural network for single-view reconstruction of 3D point cloud represented in parts. Abstract: In order for the deep learning models to truly understand the
2D images for 3D geometry recovery, we argue that single‐view reconstruction should be learned in
a part‐aware and weakly supervised manner. Such models lead to more profound interpretation of 2D
images in which part‐based parsing and assembling are involved ... |
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Jun Li, Chengjie Niu,
Xu*, "Learning Part Generation and Assembly for Structure-aware
Shape Synthesis",
AAAI 2020.
A part-aware generative model of 3D shapes composed of several part generators and one part assembler. Abstract: Learning deep generative models for 3D shape synthesis
is largely limited by the difficulty of generating plausible
shapes with correct topology and reasonable geometry.
Indeed, learning the distribution of plausible 3D shapes
seems a daunting task for most existing holistic shape representation,
given the significant topological variations of
3D objects even within the same shape category. Enlightened
by the common view that 3D shape structure is characterized
as part composition and placement, we propose
to model 3D shape variations with a part-aware deep generative
network which we call PAGENet. The network is
composed of an array of per-part VAE-GANs ... |
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Qiaoyun Wu, Dinesh Manocha, Jun Wang,
Xu*, "NeoNav: Improving the Generalization of Visual Navigation
via Generating Next Expected Observations", AAAI 2020.
We show that predicting / imagining the next observations the agent expects to see improves the performance of the visual navigation significantly, leading to the state-of-the-art cross-target and cross-scene generalization. Abstract: We propose improving the
cross-target and cross-scene generalization of visual navigation through learning an agentthat is
guided by conceiving the next observations it expects to see. This is achieved by learning a
variational Bayesian model, called NeoNav, which generates the next expected observations (NEO)
conditioned on the current observations ofthe agent and the target view ... |
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Min Liu, Zherong Pan,
Xu*, Dinesh Manocha, "New Formulation of Mixed-Integer Conic Programming for
Globally Optimal Grasp Planning",
IROS 2020 (The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL))
A formulation of globally optimal gripper posing based on mixed-integer conic programming. Abstract: We present a two-level
branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm to compute the globally optimal gripper pose that maximizes a
grasp metric. Our method can take the gripper's kinematics feasibility into consideration to
ensure that a given gripper can reach the set of grasp points without collisions or predict
infeasibility with finite-time termination when no pose exists for a given set of grasp points.
Our main technical contribution is a novel mixed-integer conic programming (MICP) formulation for
the inverse kinematics of the gripper that uses a small number of binary variables and tightened
constraints ... |
2019 |
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Siyan Dong,
Xu*, Qiang Zhou, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Shiqing Xin, Matthias Nießner, Baoquan Chen*, "Multi-Robot Collaborative Dense Scene
ACM Transactions on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH 2019), 38(4).
| Project page
ROS package]
We present an autonomous scanning approach which allows multiple
to perform collaborative scanning for dense 3D reconstruction of unknown
indoor scenes. Our method plans scanning paths for several robots, allowing
them to efficiently coordinate with each other such that the collective scanning
coverage and reconstruction quality is maximized while the overall
scanning effort is minimized. To this end, we define the problem as a dynamic
task assignment and introduce a novel formulation based on Optimal
Mass Transport (OMT). Given the currently scanned scene, a set of task
views are extracted to cover scene regions which are either unknown or
uncertain. These task views are assigned to the robots based on the OMT optimization.
We then compute for each robot a smooth path over its assigned
tasks by solving an approximate traveling salesman problem ...
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Min Liu, Zherong Pan,
Xu*, Kanishka Ganguly, Dinesh Manocha, "Generating Grasp Poses for a High-DOF Gripper Using
Neural Networks,"
IROS 2019.
We present a learning-based method to represent grasp poses of a
high-DOF hand using neural networks. Due to the redundancy in such high-DOF grippers, there exists a
large number of equally effective grasp poses for a given target object, making it difficult for the
neural network to find consistent grasp poses. We resolve this ambiguity by generating an augmented
dataset that covers many possible grasps for each target object and train our neural networks using
a consistency loss function to identify a one-to-one mapping from objects to grasp poses. We further
enhance the quality of neuralnetwork-predicted grasp poses using a collision loss function to avoid
penetrations. We use an object dataset combining the BigBIRD Database, the KIT Database, the YCB
Database, and the Grasp Dataset, on which we show that our method can generate high-DOF grasp poses
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Lintao Zheng, Chenyang Zhu, Jiazhao Zhang, Hang
Zhao, Hui Huang, Matthias Niessner,
Xu*, "Active Scene Understanding via Online Semantic
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific
Graphics 2019).
We propose a novel approach to robot-operated active
understanding of unknown indoor scenes, based on online RGBD reconstruction with semantic
segmentation. In our method, the exploratory robot scanning is both driven by and targeting at the
recognition and segmentation of semantic objects from the scene. Our algorithm is built on top of
the volumetric depth fusion framework (e.g., KinectFusion) and performs real-time voxel-based
semantic labeling over the online reconstructed volume. The robot is guided by an online estimated
discrete viewing score field (VSF) parameterized over the 3D space of ...
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Maciej Halber, Yifei Shi,
Xu, Thomas
Funkhouser, "RESCAN: Inductive Instance Segmentation for Indoor RGBD
ICCV 2019.
In applications ranging from home robotics to AR/VR, it will be
common to acquire 3D scans of interior spaces, repeatedly at sparse time intervals. We develop an
algorithm that analyzes these ``rescans'' and builds a temporal model of a scene with semantic
instance information. Our algorithm operates inductively by using a temporal model resulting from
past observations to infer instance segmentation of a new RGBD scan. The temporal model is
continuously updated to reflect the changes that occur in the scene over time, providing object
associations across time. During experiments with a new benchmark for this new task, the algorithm
outperforms alternate approaches based on state-of-the-art networks for semantic instance
![]() |
Yifei Shi, Angel Chang, Manolis Savva, Zhelun
Xu*, "Hierarchy Denoising Recursive Autoencoders for 3D Scene
Layout Prediction,"
CVPR 2019.
| Project page | Code]
Indoor scenes exhibit rich hierarchical structure in 3D
object layouts. Many tasks in 3D scene understanding can
benefit from reasoning jointly about the hierarchical context
of a scene, and the identities of objects. We present a variational
denoising recursive autoencoder (VDRAE) that generates
and iteratively refines a hierarchical representation
of 3D object layouts, interleaving bottom-up encoding for
context aggregation and top-down decoding for propagation.
We train our VDRAE on large-scale 3D scene datasets
to predict both instance-level segmentations and a 3D object
detections from an over-segmentation of an input point
cloud ...
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Xiaogang Wang, Yahao Shi, Bin Zhou, Xiaowu Chen,
Qinping Zhao and
Xu*, "Shape2Motion: Joint Analysis of Motion Parts and
Attributes from 3D Shapes,"
CVPR 2019, Oral
| Project
page | Code
For the task of mobility analysis of 3D shapes, we propose
joint analysis for simultaneous motion part segmentation
and motion attribute estimation, taking a single 3D
model as input. The problem is significantly different from
those tackled in the existing works which assume the availability
of either a pre-existing shape segmentation or multiple
3D models in different motion states. To that end, we develop
Shape2Motion which takes a single 3D point cloud as
input, and jointly computes a mobility-oriented segmentation
and the associated motion attributes. Shape2Motion is
comprised of two deep neural networks designed for mobility
proposal generation and mobility optimization, respectively ...
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Fenggen Yu, Kun Liu, Yan Zhang,
Chenyang Zhu,
Xu*, "PartNet: A Recursive Part Decomposition Network for
Fine-grained and
Hierarchical Shape Segmentation,"
CVPR 2019.
| Project page |
| PartNet-Symh
Deep learning approaches to 3D shape segmentation are
typically formulated as a multi-class labeling problem. Existing
models are trained for a fixed set of labels, which
greatly limits their flexibility and adaptivity. We opt for topdown
recursive decomposition and develop the first deep
learning model for hierarchical segmentation of 3D shapes,
based on recursive neural networks. Starting from a full
shape represented as a point cloud, our model performs
recursive binary decomposition, where the decomposition
network at all nodes in the hierarchy share weights. At each
node, a node classifier is trained to determine the type (adjacency
or symmetry) and stopping criteria of its decomposition ...
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Manyi Li, Akshay Gadi Patil,
Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Owais Khan, Ariel Shamir, Changhe Tu, Baoquan Chen, Daniel
and Hao Zhang, "GRAINS: Generative Recursive Autoencoders
for INdoor Scenes,"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (To be
presented at SIGGRAPH 2019).
| Project page | Code]
We present a generative neural network which enables us to
generate plausible
3D indoor scenes in large quantities and varieties, easily and highly
efficiently. Our key observation is that indoor scene structures are inherently
hierarchical. Hence, our network is not convolutional; it is a recursive neural
network or RvNN. We train
a variational recursive autoencoder, or RvNN-VAE ...
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Min Liu, Yifei Shi, Lintao Zheng, Kai
Xu*, Hui Huang and Dinesh Manocha, "Recurrent
3D Attentional Networks for End-to-End Active Object
CVM 2019. [Paper]
Active vision is inherently attention-driven: The agent selects
views of observation to best approach the vision task while improving its internal representation of
the scene being observed. Inspired by the recent success of attention-based models in 2D vision
tasks based on single RGB images, we propose to address the multi-view depth-based active object
recognition using attention mechanism, through developing an end-to-end recurrent 3D attentional
network. The architecture comprises of a recurrent neural network (RNN), storing and updating an
internal representation, and two levels of spatial transformer units, guiding two-level attentions.
Our model, trained with a 3D shape database, is able to iteratively attend to the best views
targeting an object of interest for recognizing it, and focus on the object in each view for
removing the background clutter ...
2018 |
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Chenyang Zhu, Kai
Xu*, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Renjiao Yi
and Hao Zhang, "SCORES: Shape Composition with Recursive
Substructure Priors,"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH
Asia 2018), 37(6).
(* corresponding author)
| Project page | Code & data]
We introduce SCORES, a recursive neural network for shape
composition. Our
network takes as input sets of parts from two or more source 3D shapes and
a rough initial placement of the parts. It outputs an optimized part structure
for the composed shape, leading to high-quality geometry construction. A
unique feature of our composition network is that it is not merely learning
how to connect parts. Our goal is to produce a coherent and plausible 3D
shape, despite large incompatibilities among the input parts. The network
may significantly alter the geometry and structure of the input parts ...
![]() |
Xiaogang Wang, Bin Zhou, Haiyue Fang, Xiaowu Chen,
Qinping Zhao
Xu*, "Learning to Group and Label Fine-Grained
Shape Components,"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH
Asia 2018), 37(6).
(* corresponding author)
| Project page | Code & benchmark]
A majority of stock 3D models in modern shape repositories are
assembled with many fine-grained components. These modeling components thus inherently reflect some
function-based shape decomposition the artist had in mind during modeling. On the other hand,
modeling components represent an over-segmentation since a functional part is usually modeled as a
multi-component assembly. Based on these observations, we advocate that labeled segmentation of
stock 3D models should not overlook the modeling components and propose a learning solution to
grouping and labeling of the fine-grained components ...
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Yifei Shi, Kai
Xu*, Matthias Niessner, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
and Thomas Funkhouser, "PlaneMatch: Patch Coplanarity Prediction
for Robust RGB-D Reconstruction,"
ECCV 2018, Oral
presentation (Acceptance rate: 1.9%). (* corresponding author) [Paper, 10M
| Supplemental
materia, 5M | Project page | Slides, 3M | Code & benchmark]
We introduce a novel RGB-D patch descriptor designed for
coplanar surfaces in SLAM reconstruction. The core of our method is a deep
convolutional neural net that takes in RGB, depth, and normal information of a
planar patch in an image and outputs a descriptor that can be used to find coplanar
patches from other images. We train the network on 10 million triplets of coplanar
and non-coplanar patches, and evaluate on a new coplanarity benchmark created
from commodity RGB-D scans. Experiments show that our learned descriptor
outperforms alternatives extended for this new task by a significant margin. In
addition, we demonstrate the benefits of coplanarity matching in a robust RGBD
reconstruction formulation ...
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Chengjie Niu, Jun Li and Kai
Xu*, "Im2Struct: Recovering 3D Shape Structure
from a Single RGB Image,"
CVPR 2018.
(* corresponding
[Paper, 4.9M
Poster |
Code (
NEW! Training code is now included)]
We propose to recover 3D shape structures from single
RGB images, where structure refers to shape parts represented
by cuboids and part relations encompassing connectivity
and symmetry. Given a single 2D image with an object
depicted, our goal is automatically recover a cuboid
structure of the object parts as well as their mutual relations.
We develop a convolutional-recursive auto-encoder
comprised of structure parsing of a 2D image followed by
structure recovering of a cuboid hierarchy. The encoder
is achieved by a multi-scale convolutional network trained
with the task of shape contour estimation, thereby learning
to discern object structures in various forms and scales.
The decoder fuses the features of the structure parsing network
and the original image, and recursively decodes a hierarchy
of cuboids. Since the decoder network is learned
to recover part relations including connectivity ...
![]() |
Fenggen Yu, Zhang Yan, Kai
Xu*, Ali
Mahdavi-Amiri and
Hao Zhang, "Semi-Supervised Co-Analysis of 3D Shape
Styles from Projected Lines,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2018), 37(2). (* corresponding author) [Paper, 12M
| Slides, 4M |
| Code & data
Online test website]
Awarded the Graphics Replicability
We present a semi-supervised co-analysis method for learning 3D
styles from projected feature lines, achieving style patch localization with
only weak supervision. Given a collection of 3D shapes spanning multiple
object categories and styles, we perform style co-analysis over projected
feature lines of each 3D shape and then backproject the learned style features
onto the 3D shapes. Our core analysis pipeline starts with mid-level patch
sampling and pre-selection of candidate style patches. Projective features
are then encoded via patch convolution. Multi-view feature integration and
style clustering are carried out under the framework of partially shared latent
factor (PSLF) learning ...
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Ligang Liu, Xi Xia, Han Sun,
Hui Huang
Xu*, "Object-Aware Guidance for Autonomous
Scene Reconstruction,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018), 37(4).
(* corresponding author)
[Paper, 25M
| Slides, 7M |
Project page
Code | Benchmark]
To carry out autonomous 3D scanning and online reconstruction of
unknown indoor scenes, one has to find a balance between global exploration of the entire scene and
local scanning of the objects within it. We propose a novel approach, which provides object-aware
guidance for autoscanning, to exploring, reconstructing, and understanding an unknown scene within
one navigational pass. Our approach interleaves between object analysis to identify the next best
object (NBO) for global exploration, and object-aware information gain analysis to plan the next
best view (NBV) for local scanning. First, an objectness-based segmentation method is introduced to
extract semantic objects from the current scene surface via a multi-class graph cuts minimization.
Then, an object of interest (OOI) is identified as the NBO which the robot aims to visit and scan.
The robot then conducts fine scanning on OOI ...
![]() |
Ke Xie, Hao Yang, Shengqiu Huang,
Dani Lischinski,
Marc Christie,
Minglun Gong,
Daniel Cohen-Or
Hui Huang,
"Creating and Chaining Camera Moves for
Quadrotor Videography,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018), 37(4). [Paper, 40M
We propose a higher level tool designed to enable even novice
users to easily capture compelling aerial videos of large-scale outdoor scenes. Using a coarse 2.5D
model of a scene, the user is only expected to specify starting and ending viewpoints and designate
a set of landmarks,
with or without a particular order. Our system automatically generates a
diverse set of candidate local camera moves for ...
![]() |
Jian Liu, Shiqing Xin, Zengfu Gao, Kai
Xu, Changhe Tu and
Baoquan Chen, "Caging Loops in Shape Embedding Space:
Theory and Computation,"
International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA 2018). [Paper, 17M
| Poster |
We propose to synthesize feasible caging grasps for
a target object through computing Caging Loops, a closed curve
defined in the shape embedding space of the object. Different
from the traditional methods, our approach decouples caging
loops from the surface geometry of target objects through
working in the embedding space. This enables us to synthesize
caging loops encompassing multiple topological holes, instead of
always tied with one specific handle which could be too small
to be graspable by the robot gripper. Our method extracts
caging loops through a topological analysis of the distance
field defined for the target surface in the embedding space,
based on a rigorous theoretical study on the relation between
caging loops and the field topology. Due to the decoupling, our
method can tolerate incomplete and noisy surface geometry of
an unknown target object captured on-the-fly ...
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Songle Chen, Lintao Zheng, Yan Zhang, Zhixin Sun and Kai
Xu*, "VERAM: View-Enhanced Recurrent Attention
Model for 3D Shape Classification,"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
(* corresponding author)
Project | Code]
Multi-view deep neural network is perhaps the most successful
approach in 3D shape classification. However, the fusion of
multi-view features based on max or average pooling lacks a view selection mechanism, limiting its
application in, e.g., multi-view active
object recognition by a robot. This paper presents VERAM, a recurrent attention model capable of
actively selecting a sequence of views
for highly accurate 3D shape classification. VERAM addresses an important issue commonly found in
existing attention-based models,
i.e., the unbalanced training of the subnetworks corresponding to ...
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Biao Leng, Cheng Zhang, Xiaocheng Zhou, Cheng Xu, Kai
Xu*, "Learning Discriminative 3D Shape
Representations by View Discerning Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics.
(* corresponding author)
Project | Code]
In view-based 3D shape recognition, extracting discriminative
visual representation of 3D shapes from projected images is
considered the core problem. Projections with low discriminative ability
can adversely influence the final 3D shape representation. Especially
under the real situations with background clutter and object occlusion,
the adverse effect is even more severe. To resolve this problem, we
propose a novel deep neural network, View Discerning Network, which
learns to judge the quality of views and adjust their contributions to
the representation of shapes ...
![]() |
Qiaoyun Wu, Kai
Xu and Jun Wang, "Constructing 3D CSG Models
from 3D Raw Point Clouds,"
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2018).
[Paper, 14.5M]
The Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) tree, encoding the
generative process of an object by a recursive compositional structure
of bounded primitives, constitutes an important structural representation of 3D objects. Therefore,
automatically recovering
such a compositional structure from the raw point cloud of an object represents a high-level reverse
engineering problem, finding
applications from structure and functionality analysis to creative redesign. We propose an effective
method to construct CSG
models and trees directly over raw point clouds. Specifically, a large number of hypothetical
bounded primitive candidates are
first extracted from raw scans, followed by a carefully designed pruning strategy. We then choose to
approximate the target CSG
model by the combination of a subset of these candidates with corresponding Boolean operations using
a binary optimization
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Yawei Zhao, Kai
Xu, Xinwang Liu, En Zhu, Xinzhong Zhu and Jianping Yin, "Triangle Lasso for Simultaneous Clustering and
Optimization in Graph Datasets,"
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering. to appear [Paper]
Recently, network lasso has drawn many attentions due to its
remarkable performance on simultaneous clustering and optimization. However, it usually suffers from
the imperfect data (noise, missing values etc), and yields sub-optimal solutions. The reason is that
it finds the similar instances according to their features directly, which is usually impacted by
the imperfect data, and thus returns sub-optimal results. In this paper, we propose triangle lasso
to avoid its disadvantage. Triangle lasso finds the similar instances according to their neighbours.
If two instances have many common neighbours, they tend to become similar. Although some instances
are profiled by the imperfect data, it is still able to find the similar counterparts ...
![]() |
Qi She, Yuan Gao, Kai
and Rosa H.M. Chan, "Reduced-Rank Linear Dynamical System,"
AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 2018). [Paper, 0.7M]
Linear Dynamical Systems are widely used to study the underlying
patterns of multivariate time series. A basic assumption
of these models is that time series can be characterized
by a low-dimensional latent space that evolves over time.
However, existing approaches to LDS modelling mostly learn
the latent space with a prescribed dimensionality. When dealing
with short-length time series data, such models would
easily overfit the data. We propose Reduced-Rank Linear Dynamical
Systems (RRLDS), to automatically retrieve the intrinsic
dimensionality of the latent space during model learning. Our key observation is that the rank of
the dynamics matrix
of LDS captures the intrinsic dimensionality, and ...
2017 |
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Lintao Zheng*,
Zihao Yan, Guohang Yan, Eugene Zhang, Matthias Niessner, Oliver Deussen, Daniel Cohen-Or
and Hui Huang, "Autonomous Reconstruction of Unknown Indoor Scenes Guided
by Time-varying Tensor Fields,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017), 36(6). (* co-first authors). [Paper, 16M
| Slides, 4M |
| Code release on ROS]
Autonomous reconstruction of unknown scenes by a mobile robot
poses the question of balancing between exploration efficacy and reconstruction
quality. We present a navigation-by-reconstruction approach to address
this question, where moving paths of the robot are planned to account for
both global efficiency for fast exploration and local smoothness to obtain
high-quality scans. An RGB-D camera, attached to the robot arm, is dictated
by the desired reconstruction quality as well as the movement of the robot
itself. Our key idea is to harness a time-varying tensor field ...
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Jun Li,
Xu*, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Ersin Yumer, Hao Zhang and Leonidas Guibas,
"GRASS: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for Shape
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2017), 36(4).
(* corresponding author).
[Paper, 10M
| Slides, 3.9M |
| Poster | Code & data]
Featured ACM SIGGRAPH Press
We introduce a novel neural network architecture for encoding and
synthesis of 3D shapes, particularly their structures. Our key insight is that 3D shapes are
effectively characterized by their hierarchical organization of parts, which reflects fundamental
intra-shape relationships such as adjacency and symmetry. We develop a recursive neural net based
autoencoder to map a flat, unlabeled, arbitrary part layout to a compact code. The code effectively
captures the hierarchical structures of varying complexity despite being fixed-dimensional: an
associated decoder maps a code back to a full hierarchy. The learned bidirectional mapping is
further tuned using an adversarial setup to yield a generative model of plausible structures, from
which novel structures can be sampled. Finally, our structure synthesis framework is augmented by a
second trained module that produces fine-grained part geometry, conditioned on global and local
structural context ...
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Chenyang Zhu, Renjiao Yi, Wallace
Lira, Ibraheem Alhashim,
and Hao Zhang, "Deformation-Driven Shape Correspondence via Shape
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2017), 36(4). [Paper, 31M
| Code & data]
Many approaches to shape comparison and recognition start by
a shape correspondence. We “turn the table” and show that quality
shape correspondences can be obtained by performing many shape recognition
tasks. What is more, the method we develop computes a ne-grained,
topology-varying part correspondence between two 3D shapes where the
core evaluation mechanism only recognizes shapes globally. This is made
possible by casting the part correspondence problem in a deformation-driven
framework and relying on a data-driven “deformation energy” which rates
visual similarity between deformed shapes and models from a shape repository.
Our basic premise is that if a correspondence between two chairs (or
airplanes, bicycles, etc.) is correct, then a reasonable deformation between
the two chairs anchored on ...
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Oussama Remil, Qian Xie, Xingyu Xie, Kai
Xu and
Jun Wang, "Data-Driven Sparse Priors of 3D
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific
Graphics 2017). 36(7):63-72. [PDF, 12.8M]
We present a sparse optimization framework for extracting sparse
shape priors from a collection of 3D models. Shape priors are
defined as point-set neighborhoods sampled from shape surfaces which convey important information
encompassing normals
and local shape characterization. A 3D shape model can be considered to be formed with a set of 3D
local shape priors,
while most of them are likely to have similar geometry. Our key observation is that the local priors
extracted from a family of
3D shapes lie in a very low-dimensional manifold. Consequently, a compact and informative subset of
priors can be learned
to efficiently encode all shapes of the same family ...
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Oussama Remil, Qian Xie, Xingyu Xie, Kai
Xu and
Jun Wang, "Surface Reconstruction with Data-driven
Exemplar Priors,"
Computer-Aided Design. 88(C): 31-41.
[PDF, 6M]
We propose a framework to reconstruct 3D models from raw scanned
points by learning the prior knowledge of a
specific class of objects. Unlike previous work that heuristically specifies particular regularities
and defines parametric models, our
shape priors are learned directly from existing 3D models under a framework based on affinity
propagation. Given a database of
3D models within the same class of objects, we build a comprehensive library of 3D local shape
priors. We then formulate the
problem to select as-few-as-possible priors from the library, referred to as exemplar priors. These
priors are sufficient to represent
the 3D shapes of the whole class of objects from where they are generated. By manipulating these
priors, we can reconstruct
geometrically faithful models ...
2016 |
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Xu, Vladimir G Kim, Qixing Huang,
Niloy Mitra, Evangelos Kalogerakis, "Data-Driven
Shape Analysis and Processing,"
SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Course. [Course note, 12.5M]
Data-driven methods serve an increasingly important role in
discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between shapes. In contrast to
traditional approaches that process shapes in isolation of each other, data-driven methods aggregate
information from 3D model collections to improve the analysis, modeling and editing of shapes.
Through reviewing the literature, we provide an overview of the main concepts and components of
these methods, as well as discuss their application to classification, segmentation, matching,
reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis. We conclude our
report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and
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Xu, Yifei Shi, Lintao Zheng, Junyu Zhang, Min
Hui Huang,
Hao Su, Daniel Cohen-Or
and Baoquan Chen,
"3D Attention-Driven Depth Acquisition for Object
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016), 35(6). [PDF, 12.5M
| PPT, 4.5M |
| Code]
We address the problem of autonomous exploring unknown objects
in a scene by consecutive depth acquisitions. The goal is to model the scene via identifying the
objects online, from among a large collection of 3D shapes. Fine-grained shape identification
a meticulous series of observations attending to varying views and
parts of the object of interest. Inspired by the recent success of
attention-based models for 2D recognition, we develop a 3D Attention
Model that selects the best views to scan from, as well as the
most informative regions in each view to focus on, to achieve efficient
object recognition. The region-level attention leads to focus-driven
features ...
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Jun Wang and
Xu, "Shape Detection from Raw LiDAR Data with
Subspace Modeling,"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics (TVCG).
[PDF, 3.1M]
LiDAR scanning has become a prevalent technique for digitalizing
large-scale outdoor scenes. However, the raw LiDAR
data often contain imperfections, e.g., missing large regions, anisotropy of sampling density, and
contamination of noise and outliers,
which are the major obstacles that hinder its more ambitious and higher level applications in
digital city modeling. Observing that 3D
urban scenes can be locally described with several low dimensional subspaces, we propose to locally
classify the neighborhoods of the
scans to model the substructures of the scenes. The key enabler is the adaptive kernel-scale
scoring, filtering and clustering of
substructures, making it possible to recover the local structures at all points simultaneously, even
in the presence of severe data
imperfections ...
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Xuekun Guo,
Juncong Lin,
Xu, Siddhartha Chaudhuri
"CustomCut: On-demand Extraction of
Customized 3D Parts with 2D Sketches,"
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP
2016), 35(5). [PDF, 11.3M]
We present CustomCut, an on-demand part extraction algorithm.
Given a sketched query, CustomCut automatically retrieves partially matching shapes from a database,
identifies the region optimally matching the query in each shape, and extracts this region to
produce a customized part that can be used in various modeling applications. In contrast to earlier
work on sketch-based retrieval of predefined parts, our approach can extract arbitrary parts from
input shapes and does not rely on a prior segmentation into semantic components ...
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Hao Li,
Honghua Li, Andrei Sharf,
and Baoquan Chen, "Mobility Fitting using 4D
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP
2016), 35(5).
[PDF, 11.4M |
Project page]
Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in
discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and
applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric
data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they
aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of
individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and
relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions
![]() |
Qing Yuan, Guiqing Li,
Xu, Xudong Chen and
Hui Huang, "Space-Time Co-Segmentation of Articulated
Point Cloud Sequences,"
Computer Graphics
Forum (Eurographics 2016), 35(2).
[PDF, 31M | Project page]
Consistent segmentation is to the center of many applications
based on dynamic geometric data. Directly segmenting a raw 3D point cloud sequence is a challenging
task due to the low data quality and large inter-frame variation across the whole sequence. We
propose a local-to-global approach to co-segment point cloud sequences of articulated objects into
near-rigid moving parts. Our method starts from a per-frame point clustering, derived from a robust
voting-based trajectory analysis. The local segments are then progressively propagated to the
neighboring frames with a cut propagation operation, and further merged through all frames using a
novel space-time segment grouping tech ...
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Yifei Shi, Pinxin Long,
Hui Huang
Yueshan Xiong, "Data-Driven Contextual Modeling for 3D Scene
Computers and Graphics, 55: 55-67.
[PDF, 4.9M]
The recent development of fast depth map fusion technique enables
the realtime, detailed scene reconstruction, making the indoor scene understanding more possible
than ever. To address the specific challenges in object analysis at subscene level, we propose a
data-driven approach to modeling contextual information covering both intra-object part relations
and inter-object object layouts. Our method combines the detection of individual objects and object
groups within the same framework, enabling contextual analysis without knowing the objects in the
scene a priori ...
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Bo Wu, Kai
Xu*, Yang Zhou, Yueshan Xiong, Hui Huang, "Skeleton-guided 3D shape distance field
metamorphosis, Graphical Models, 85: 37-45.
15M | Project
We introduce an automatic 3D shape morphing method without the
need of manually placed anchor correspondence points. Given a source and a target shape, our
approach extracts their skeletons and computes the meaningful anchor points based on their skeleton
node correspondences. Based on the anchors, dense correspondences between the interior of source and
target shape can be established using earth movers distance (EMD) optimization. Skeleton node
correspondence, estimated with a voting-based method, leads to part correspondence which can be used
to confine the dense correspondence within matched part pairs, providing smooth and plausible
morphing ...
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Yueqing Wang, Zhige Xie,
Xu, Yong Dou and Yuanwu Lei, "An Efficient and Effective Convolutional Auto-Encoder
Extreme Learning Machine Network for 3D Feature Learning,"
Neurocomputing, 174: 988-998.
[PDF, 2.7M]
We propose a rapid 3D feature learning method, namely, a
convolutional auto-encoder extreme learning machine (CAE-ELM) that combines the advantages of the
convolutional neuron network, auto-encoder, and extreme learning machine (ELM). This method performs
better and faster than other methods. In addition, we define a novel architecture based on CAE-ELM.
The architecture accepts two types of 3D shape representation, namely, voxel data and signed
distance field data (SDF), as inputs to extract the global and local features of 3D shapes
2015 |
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Xu, Hui Huang, Yifei Shi, Hao Li, Pinxin Long, Jianong
Caichen, Wei Sun and Baoquan
Chen, "Autoscanning for Coupled Scene
Reconstruction and Proactive Object Analysis,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015), 34(6). [PDF, 18.7M
| PPT, 2.9M |
| Code]
Detailed scanning of indoor scenes is tedious for humans. We
propose autonomous scene scanning operated by a robot to relieve humans from such laborious task. In
an autonomous setting, detailed scene acquisition is inevitably coupled with scene analysis at the
required level of detail. We develop a framework for object-level scene reconstruction coupled with
object-centric scene analysis. As a result, the autoscanning and reconstruction will be
object-aware, guided by the object analysis ...
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Ibraheem Alhashim,
Xu, Yixin Zhuang, Junjie Cao, Patricio Simari and
Zhang, "Deformation-Driven Topology-Varying
3D Shape Correspondence,"
ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH
2015), 34(6). [PDF
| Code]
We present a deformation-driven approach to topology-varying 3D
shape correspondence.
In this paradigm, the best correspondence between two shapes is the one that results in a
minimal-energy, possibly topology-varying, deformation that transforms one shape to
conform to the other while
respecting the correspondence. Our deformation model, called GeoTopo transform, allows
both geometric and topological operations such as part split, duplication, and merging, leading
to fine-grained and piecewise continuous correspondence results.
The key ingredient of our correspondence scheme is a deformation energy that penalizes
geometric distortion, encourages structure preservation, and ...
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Xu, Vladimir G. Kim, Qixing Huang, Evangelos Kalogerakis, "Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing,"
Computer Graphics
Forum. [PDF, 12.5M |
Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in
discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and
applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric
data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they
aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of
individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and
relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions.
We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their
application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, ...
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Zhige Xie,
Xu*, Wen Shan, Ligang Liu, Yueshan Xiong
Hui Huang, "Projective Feature Learning for 3D Shapes
Multi-View Depth Images,"
Computer Graphics
Forum (Pacific Graphics 2015).
[PDF, 7M | Project
| Code]
Feature learning for 3D shapes is challenging due to the lack of
natural paramterization for 3D surface models.
We adopt the multi-view depth image representation and propose Multi-View Deep Extreme Learning
(MVD-ELM) to achieve fast and quality projective feature learning for 3D shapes. In contrast to
existing multiview
learning approaches, our method ensures the feature maps learned for different views are mutually
via shared weights and in each layer, their unprojections together form a valid 3D reconstruction of
the input
3D shape through using normalized convolution kernels. These lead to a more accurate 3D feature
learning as
shown by the encouraging results in ...
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Qian Zheng, Zhuming Hao, Hui Huang,
Zhang, Daniel
and Baoquan Chen, "Skeleton-Intrinsic Symmetrization of Shapes,"
Computer Graphics
Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics 2015), 37(4). [PDF,
49M | Project page]
Enhancing the self-symmetry of a shape is of fundamental
aesthetic virtue. In this paper, we are interested in recovering the aesthetics of intrinsic
reflection symmetries, where an asymmetric shape is symmetrized while keeping its general pose and
perceived dynamics. The key challenge to intrinsic symmetrization is that the input shape has only
approximate reflection symmetries, possibly far from perfect. The main premise of our work is that
curve skeletons provide a concise and effective shape abstraction for analyzing approximate
intrinsic symmetries as well as symmetrization. By measuring intrinsic distances over a curve
skeleton for symmetry analysis, symmetrizing the skeleton, and ...
2014 |
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Xu, Rui Ma, Hao
Chenyang Zhu,
Daniel Cohen-Or
and Hui Huang, "Organizing Heterogeneous Scene Collections through
Contextual Focal Points," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(4). [PDF,
| Code]
We introduce focal points for characterizing, comparing, and
organizing collections of complex and heterogeneous data and apply the concepts and algorithms
developed to collections of 3D indoor scenes. We represent each scene by a graph of its constituent
objects and define focal points as representative substructures in a scene collection. To organize a
heterogeneous scene collection, we cluster the scenes based on a set of extracted focal points:
scenes in a cluster are closely connected when viewed from the perspective of the representative
focal points of that cluster ...
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Honghua Li,
Cao, Rui Ma and Hao
Zhang, "Topology-Varying 3D Shape
Creation via Structural Blending," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(4). [PDF, 16.0M
| Code]
We introduce an algorithm for generating novel 3D models via
topology-varying shape blending. Given two shapes with different topology, our method blends them
topologically and geometrically, producing continuous series of in-betweens representing new
creations. The blending operations are defined on a shape representation that is structure-oriented
and part-aware. Specifically, we represent a 3D shape using a spatio-structural graph composed of
medial curves and sheets, which facilitate the modeling of topological variations. Fundamental
topological operations including split and merge are realized by allowing one-to-many or many-to-one
correspondences between the source and the target ...
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Zhige Xie,
Xu*, Ligang Liu and Yueshan
Xiong, "3D Shape Segmentation and Labeling via Extreme Learning
Machine," Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2014).
[PDF, 3.3M
We propose a fast method for 3D shape segmentation and labeling
via Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Given a set of example shapes with labeled segmentation, we
train an ELM classifier and use it to produce initial segmentation for test shapes. Based on the
initial segmentation, we compute the final smooth segmentation through a graph-cut labeling
constrained by the super-face boundaries obtained by over-segmentation and the active contours
computed from ELM segmentation. Results show that our method achieves comparable results against the
state-of-the-arts, but reduces the training time by approximately two orders of magnitude, both for
face-level and super-face-level, making it scale well for large datasets ... we demonstrate the
application of our method for online sequential learning for 3D shape segmentation ...
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Xuekun Guo,
Juncong Lin,
Xu and
Xiaogang Jin, "Creature Grammar for Creative Modeling of
3D Monsters," Graphical Models (GMP 2014). [PDF, 8.1M]
Monsters and strange creatures are frequently demanded in 3D
games and movies. Modeling such kind of objects calls for creativity and imagination. Especially in
a scenario where a large number of monsters with various shapes and styles are required, the
designing and modeling process becomes even more challenging. We present a system to assist artists
in the creative design of a large collection of various 3D monsters. Starting with a small set of
shapes manually selected from different categories, our system iteratively generates sets of monster
models serving as the artist鈥檚 reference and inspiration. The key component of our system is a
so-called creature grammar, which is a shape grammar tailored for ...
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Zhige Xie, Yueshan Xiong,
Xu*, "AB3D: Action-Based 3D Descriptor for Shape
Analysis," The Visual Computer Journal (CGI 2014). [PDF, 3.7M
Existing 3D models often exhibit both large intra-class and
inter-class variations in shape geometry and topology, making the consistent analysis of
functionality challenging. Traditional 3D shape analysis methods which rely on geometric shape
descriptors can not obtain satisfying results on these 3D models. We develop a new 3D shape
descriptor based on the interactions between 3D models and virtual human actions, which is called
Action-Based 3D Descriptor (AB3D). Due to the implied semantic meanings of virtual human actions, we
obtain encouraging results on consistent segmentation based on AB3D. Finally, we present a method
for recognition and reconstruction of scanned 3D indoor scenes using our AB3D ...
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Jun Li,
Weiwei Xu, Zhiquan Cheng,
Reinhard Klein, "Lightweight Wrinkle Synthesis for 3D Facial Modeling and
Animation," Computer-Aided Design (SPM 2014). [PDF, 3.9M].
We present a lightweight non-parametric method to generate
wrinkles for 3D facial modeling and animation. The key lightweight feature of the method is that it
can generate plausible wrinkles using a single low-cost Kinect camera and one high quality 3D face
model with details as the example. Our method works in two stages: (1) Offline personalized wrinkled
blendshape construction ... (2) Online 3D facial performance capturing ...
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Kai Lu,
Yi Zhang, Kai
Xu, Yinghui Gao
Wilson, "Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on
Discrete-Time Quantum Walk," ICPR 2014. [PDF,
Maximum common sub-graph isomorphism (MCS) is a famous NP-hard
problem in graph processing. The problem has found application in many areas where the similarity of
graphs is important, for example in scene matching, video indexing, chemical similarity and shape
analysis. In this paper, a novel algorithm Qwalk is proposed for approximate MCS, utilizing the
discrete-time quantum walk. Based on the new observation that isomorphic neighborhood group matches
can be detected quickly and conveniently by the destructive interference of a quantum walk, the new
algorithm locates an approximate solution via ...
2013 |
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Jun Wang,
Xu, Ligang Liu,
Junjie Cao,
Shengjun Liu, Zeyun Yu, and Xianfeng Gu, "Consolidation of Low-quality Point
Clouds from Outdoor Scenes," Computer
Graphics Forum (SGP 2013). [PDF,
The emergence of laser/LiDAR
sensors, reliable multi-view stereo techniques and more recently
consumer depth cameras have brought point clouds to the forefront as a
data format useful for a number of applications. Unfortunately, the
point data from those channels often incur imperfection, frequently
contaminated with severe outliers and noise. This paper presents a
robust consolidation algorithm for low-quality point data from outdoor
scenes, which essentially consists of two steps: 1) outliers filtering
and 2) noise smoothing. We first design a connectivity based scheme to
evaluate outlierness and thereby detect sparse outliers. Meanwhile, a
clustering method is used to further remove small dense outliers. Both
outlier removal methods are insensitive to the choice of the
neighborhood size and the levels of outliers. Subsequently, we propose
a novel approach to estimate normals for noisy points based on robust
partial rankings, which is the basis of noise smoothing ...
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Xiaohua Xie,
Xu, Niloy Mitra,
Daniel Cohen-Or,
Wenyong Gong, Qi Su, Baoquan Chen, "Sketch-to-Design: Context-based
Part Assembly," Computer Graphics
Forum, 32(8): 233-245. [PDF, 9M | Project page]
Designing 3D objects from scratch is difficult, especially when
the user intent is fuzzy without a clear target form. In the spirit of modeling-by-example, we
facilitate design by providing reference and inspiration from existing model contexts. We rethink
model design as navigating through different possible combinations of part assemblies based on a
large collection of pre-segmented 3D models.We propose an interactive sketch-to-design system, where
the user sketches prominent features of parts to combine. The sketched strokes are analyzed
individually and in context with the other parts to generate relevant shape suggestions via a design
gallery interface ...
![]() |
Zhang, Kai
Xu*, Wei Jiang, Jinjie Lin, Daniel Cohen-Or and Baoquan Chen, "Layered Analysis of Irregular
Facades via Symmetry Maximization," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013), 32(4).
(* corresponding author)
[PDF, 33M | MOV.
| Project
| Code | Data]
We present an algorithm for
hierarchical and layered analysis of irregular facades, seeking a
high-level understanding of facade structures. By introducing layering
into the analysis, we no longer view a facade as a flat structure, but
allow it to be structurally separated into depth layers, enabling more
compact and natural interpretations of building facades.
Computationally, we perform a symmetry-driven search for an optimal
hierarchical decomposition defined by split and layering operations
applied to an input facade. The objective is symmetry maximization ...
![]() |
van Kaick, Kai
Xu, Hao
Zhang, Yanzhen
Wang, Shuyang Sun, Ariel
Shamir and Daniel Cohen-Or,
"Co-Hierarchical Analysis of Shape
Structures," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013), 32(4). [PDF, 17M |
We introduce an unsupervised
co-hierarchical analysis of a set of shapes, aimed at discovering their
hierarchical part structures and revealing relations between
geometrically dissimilar yet functionally equivalent shape parts across
the set. The central problem is that of representative co-selection.
For each shape in the input set, one representative hierarchy (tree) is
selected from among many possible interpretations of the hierarchical
structure of the shape. Collectively, the selected tree representatives
maximize the structural similarity among them ...
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Wei Jiang, Kai
Xu*, Zhiquan Cheng, and Hao
"Skeleton-Based Intrinsic
Symmetry Detection on Point Clouds," Graphical Models,
75(4):177-188. [PDF, 5.6M]
present a skeleton-based algorithm for intrinsic symmetry detection on
imperfect 3D point cloud data. The data imperfections such as noise and
incompleteness make it difficult to reliably compute geodesic
distances, which play essential roles in existing intrinsic symmetry
detection algorithms. In this paper, we leverage recent advances in
curve skeleton extraction from point clouds for symmetry detection. ...
Starting from a curve skeleton extracted from an input point cloud, we
first compute symmetry electors, each of which is composed of a set of
skeleton node pairs pruned with a cascade of symmetry filters ...
Experiments on raw point clouds, captured by a 3D scanner or the
Microsoft Kinect, demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm. We also
apply our method to repair incomplete scans based on the detected
intrinsic symmetries.
![]() |
Wei Jiang, Kai
Xu*, Zhiquan Cheng, Ralph Martin,
and Gang Dang,
"Curve Skeleton Extraction
by Coupled Graph Contraction and Surface Clustering," Graphical Models,
75(3): 137-148. (A previous version
appeared at CVM
2012) [PDF, 2.4M]
In this paper, we present a
practical algorithm to extract a curve skeleton of a 3D shape. The core
of our algorithm comprises coupled processes of graph contraction and
surface clustering. Given a 3D shape represented by a triangular mesh,
we first construct an initial skeleton graph by directly copying the
connectivity and geometry information from the input mesh. Graph
contraction and surface clustering are then performed iteratively. The
former merges certain graph nodes based on computation of an
approximate centroidal Voronoi diagram, seeded by subsampling the graph
nodes from the previous iteration. Meanwhile, a coupled surface
clustering process serves to regularize the graph contraction ... It
can also handle point cloud data if we
first build an initial skeleton graph based on k-nearest neighbors ...
2012 |
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Xu, Hao
Zhang, Wei Jiang, Ramsay
Dyer, Zhiquan Cheng, Ligang Liu, and Baoquan Chen,
"Multi-Scale Partial
Intrinsic Symmetry Detection," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), 31(6). [PDF, 15.6M
| PPTX, 16.0M
| Project
| Data]
present an algorithm for multi-scale partial intrinsic symmetry
detection over 2D and 3D shapes, where the scale of a symmetric region
is defined by intrinsic distances between symmetric points over the
region. To identify prominent symmetric regions which overlap and vary
in form and scale, we decouple scale extraction and symmetry extraction
by performing two levels of clustering. First, significant symmetry
scales are identified by clustering sample point pairs from an input
shape. Since different point pairs can share a common point, shape
regions covered by points in different scale ...
![]() |
Xu, Hao
Daniel Cohen-Or, and Baoquan Chen,
"Fit and Diverse: Set
Evolution for Inspiring 3D Shape Galleries," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012), 31(4). [PDF, 15.8M | MOV, 51.7M | PPTX, 22.9M
| Project
| Data]
introduce set evolution as a means for creative 3D shape modeling,
where an initial population of 3D models is evolved to produce
generations of novel shapes. Part of the evolving set is presented to a
user as a shape gallery to offer modeling suggestions. User preferences
define the fitness for the evolution so that over time, the shape
population will mainly consist of individuals with good fitness.
However, to inspire the user's creativity, we must also keep the
evolving set diverse. Hence the evolution is "fit and diverse", drawing
motivation from evolution theory. We introduce a novel part crossover
operator which works at the finer-level part structures of the shapes
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Yanzhen Wang, Yueshan
Xiong, Kai
and Dong Liu,
"vKASS: A Surgical
Procedure Simulation System for Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Reconstruction" Computer
Animation and
Virtual World. 24(1): 25-41. [PDF, 2.2M]
surgeries, which are
widely used for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, not
only require advanced hand鈥揺ye coordination but also involve
complicated surgical procedure, necessitating simulation-based training
for surgeons. This paper describes a surgical procedure simulation
system for the training of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. Different
from existing simulation-based training systems for basic surgical
skills, this system provides a complete simulation for the entire
procedure of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, involving operations such
as puncturing, probing, incision, and drilling. In this system, we
employ a linear elastic finite element method and position-based
dynamics for deformable modeling ...
2011 |
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Xu, Hanlin Zheng, Hao
Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ligang Liu,
and Yueshan Xiong,
Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2011), 30(4).
12.6M | MOV, 33.9M | PPTX, 14.3M | Project
introduce an algorithm for 3D object modeling where the user draws
creative inspiration from an object captured in a single photograph.
Our method leverages the rich source of photographs for creative 3D
modeling. However, with only a photo as a guide, creating a 3D model
from scratch is a daunting task. We support the modeling process by
utilizing an available set of 3D candidate models. Specifically, the
user creates a digital 3D model as a geometric variation from a 3D
candidate. Our modeling technique consists of two major steps. The
first step is a user-guided image-space object segmentation to reveal
the structure of the photographed object. The core step is the second
one, in which a 3D candidate is automatically deformed to fit the
photographed target ...
![]() |
Yanzhen Wang, Kai
Jun Li, Hao Zhang, Ariel
Shamir, Ligang
Cheng, and Yueshan Xiong,
"Symmetry Hierarchy of
Man-Made Objects," Computer Graphics
Forum (Special Issue of Eurographics 2011), 30(2): 287-296.
| MOV, 28M
| Project
We introduce symmetry
hierarchy of man-made objects, a high-level structural representation
of a 3D model providing a symmetry-induced, hierarchical organization
of the model's constituent parts. We show that symmetry hierarchy
naturally implies a hierarchical segmentation that is more meaningful
than those produced by local geometric considerations. We also develop
an application of symmetry hierarchies for structural shape editing.
2010 |
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Kai Xu, Honghua Li, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or,
Xiong, and Zhi-Quan
"Style-Content Separation
by Anisotropic Part Scales," ACM
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Aisa 2010), 29(5).
9.8M | Project page]
co-analysis of a set of man-made 3D objects to allow the creation of
novel instances derived from the set. We analyze the objects at the
part level and treat the anisotropic part scales as a shape style. The
co-analysis then allows style transfer to synthesize new objects. The
key to co-analysis is part correspondence, where a major challenge is
the handling of large style variations and diverse geometric content in
the shape set. We propose style-content separation as a means to
address this challenge. Specifically, we define a correspondence-free
style signature for style clustering. We show that confining analysis
to within a style cluster facilitates tasks such as ...
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Z.-Q. Cheng, W.
Jiang, G. Dang, R.
Martin, J.
Li, H.
Li, Y.
Chen, Y.
Wang, B.
Li, K. Xu, S. Jin, "Non-rigid
Registration in 3D Implicit Vector Space," In Shape
Modeling International 2010, Aix-en-Provence, France, 2010.
[PDF, 4.3M]
We present an
implicit approach for pair-wise non-rigid registration of moving and
deforming objects. Shapes of interest are implicitly embedded in the 3D
implicit vector space. In this implicit embedding space, registration
is performed using a global-to-local framework. Firstly, a non-linear
optimization functional defined on the vector distance function is used
to find the global alignment between shapes. Secondly, an incremental
cubic B-spline free form deformation is used to recover the non-rigid
transformation parameters ...
2009 |
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Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Andrea
Tagliasacchi, Ligang
Liu, Guo Li, Min Meng, and Yueshan Xiong, "Partial
Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes," ACM
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Aisa 2009), 28(5).
15M | Video, 37M | Project
While many 3D
objects around us exhibit various forms of global symmetries, prominent
intrinsic symmetries which exist only on parts of an object are also
well recognized. Such partial symmetries are often seen as more natural
compared to a global one, especially on a composite shape. In this
paper, we introduce algorithms to extract and utilize partial intrinsic
reflectional symmetries (PIRS) of a 3D shape. Given a closed 2-manifold
mesh, we develop a voting scheme to obtain an intrinsic reflectional
symmetry axis (IRSA) transform ...
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Kai Xu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tao Ju, Ligang
Liu, Hao Zhang, Shizhe Zhou,
and Yueshan
"Feature-Aligned Shape
Texturing," ACM
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Aisa 2009), 28(5).
20.1M | Video, 31M | Project
page | Code]
We present an
implicit approach for pair-wise non-rigid registration of moving and
deforming objects. Shapes of interest are implicitly embedded in the 3D
implicit vector space. In this implicit embedding space, registration
is performed using a global-to-local framework. Firstly, a non-linear
optimization functional defined on the vector distance function is used
to find the global alignment between shapes. Secondly, an incremental
cubic B-spline free form deformation is used to recover the non-rigid
transformation parameters ...
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Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Yueshan Xiong,
"Dynamic Harmonic Fields
for Surface Processing," Computers
and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International 2009), 33(3): 391-398.
0.6M | Video, 49.2M | Source
We propose a
method for fast updating of harmonic fields defined on polygonal
meshes, enabling real-time insertion and deletion of constraints. Our
approach utilizes the penalty method to enforce constraints in harmonic
field computation. It maintains the symmetry of the Laplacian system
and takes advantage of fast multi-rank updating and downdating of
Cholesky factorization, achieving both speed and numerical stability.
We demonstrate how the interactivity induced by fast harmonic field
update can be utilized in several applications ...
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Kai Xu, Zhi-Quan
Cheng, Yanzhen Wang,
and Hao Zhang, "Quality Encoding for
Tetrahedral Mesh Optimization," Computers
and Graphics (Special Issue of Shape Modeling International 2009), 33(3): 250-261.
define quality differential coordinates (QDC) for per-vertex encoding
of the quality of a tetrahedral mesh. QDC measures the deviation of a
mesh vertex from a position which maximizes the combined quality of the
tetrahedra incident at that vertex. Our formulation allows the
incorporation of element quality metrics into QDC construction to
penalize badly shaped and inverted tetrahedra. We develop an algorithm
for tetrahedral mesh optimization through energy minimization driven by
QDC ...
2008 |
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Yanzhen Wang, Kai Xu, Yueshan Xiong, and Zhi-Quan
Cheng, "2D
Shape Deformation Based on As-Rigid-As-Possible Squares Matching,"
Animation and
Virtual World (Special Issue of CASA 2008), 19(3-4):
411-420. [PDF, 5.8M]
In this paper,
we propose a fast and stable method for 2D shape deformation based on
rigid square matching. Our method utilizes uniform quadrangular control
meshes for 2D shapes and tries to maintain the rigidity of each square
in the control mesh during user mani-pulation. A rigid shape matching
method is performed to find an optimal pure rotational transformation
for each square in the control mesh. An iterative solver is proposed to
com-pute the final deformation result for the entire control mesh by
minimizing the difference between ...
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Kai Xu, Yanzhen Wang,
Xiong, and Zhi-Quan
Cheng, "Interactive Shape Manipulation
Based on Space Deformation with Harmonic-Guided Clustering,"
In: Proc.
of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agent, 2008. [PDF, 0.3M]
We present an
efficient and effective deformation algorithm for interactive shape
manipulation. To obtain the advantages of both surface and space-based
deformation, we propose to maximally incorporate surface geometry
information into space deformation framework while preventing the
dependence on surface representation. Our deformation model
significantly reduces the problem size through sampling the shape
surface and ...
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Zhi-Quan Cheng, Yanzhen
Wang, Bao Li, Kai Xu, Gang Dang, and Shiyao
Jin, "A Survey of Methods
for Moving Least Squares Surfaces," In: Proc. of
IEEE/Eurographics Symposium on
Point Based Graphics 2008, Los Angeles, USA, 2008.
[PDF, 2.2M]
Moving least
squares (MLS) surfaces representation directly defines smooth surfaces
from point cloud data, on which the differential geometric properties
of point set can be conveniently estimated. Nowadays, the MLS surfaces
have been widely applied in the processing and rendering of
point-sampled models and increasingly adopted as the standard
definition of point set surfaces. We classify the MLS surface
algorithms into two types: projection MLS surfaces and implicit MLS
surfaces, according to employing a stationary projection or a scalar
field in their definitions ...